Mon 27 Jan
💋💋 NEW BBW 🍓 TRUE texas Girl 💎 Ashley Marie 🍓 OUTcalls ONLY ! 💋💋 - 30
(Conroe, Houston, MOST Houston & Surrounding Areas)
NEW GIRL SPARKLES___ 2 Girl Specials Available All Night ~ Dont MIss Out 194st Kingsbridge - 21
($40 KIngsbridge rd Valentine Ave 194st)
maria sexy mami from Colombia ( 140hr) 1000% real pix in&out; - 20
(Bronx, 149 st. grand concourse 2/4/5)
like it FrOm the baCK ? Want to hit It HOw u Like It 😊 ? Come watch me water - 22
(Bronx, Castle hill / Tremont / parkchester)
DoUbLe tHe TrOuBlE cOmE gEt WaT u thInK u CaN HanDlE (SPECIALS) - 21
(Bronx, 172 brain st bronx incalls only)
♡All natural blonde Queen♡Start your work week now♡ - 23
(Toledo, east toledo, near I75, Hollywood Casino)
💼after work fun with the finest💄..super hot skills...🎥video☎📱 appts avail. Highly reviewed! - 25
(Columbus, Columbus.....North)
DALLAS#1 MiXeD BeAuTy * * *ThE BeSt Of tHe BeSt ! ! ! TeRRiFiC *TuEsdAy * StReSs ReLiEf SPeCaiL ! ! - 22
Come Spend Some Time With A Down To Earth Girl Down For Everything!! $70 Hobby Airport Incalls Only - 20
(Houston, HobbyAirport/AirportBlvd/i45/Incall Only)
Barbiie Blossom Come To My Flower Shop And Enjoy Your Time No Rush!!!917 500 7859 - 21
(Bronx, Vandcortlandt Park Motel)
♥ ToE CurLinG ° ♥ ° JaW CleNchiNG ° ♥ ° XxXRated FuNN ♥ - 19
(Southwest // Houston // Incalls)
S T A C K E D _ (( D for "DAMN!" )) _ ♥ V I S I T I N G & (( $100 S P E C I A L )) - 26
(Portland, Lloyd Center)
(¯`' .¸?¸.'´¯) A _v _A _i _L _a_B_l_E_*_ n_ O_ w (¯`' ?¸´¯) No OnE -:¦:- dOeS It-:¦: lIkE mE - 23
*****Sexy, Seductive... a little bit naughty !! ****** - 41
(San Luis Obispo, Pismo Beach &surrounding; area)
$100 Exotic Barbie Love Fetish Dont waist your time with the those non Talented Girls Call me!!!! - 27
(Houston, I-10 and Highway 6)
StOp/// StOp///StOp !!!!!! ThE HoT,SeXy & BeAuTiful .... Mz. DeNiM - 27
(New Orleans, New Orleans East)
RedHead 💜 P.4①①⭐TⓞB ⭐⭐ reviewed! °•° NεwPiX •❤ $125 ❤• 💜 - - 26 - 26 - 26
(Aurora, City of Denver, Denver, Lakewood, Northglenn, Thornton)
Beaautiful Sexy Asian - New - Fayetteville NWA or LR - 2/13-14 ? You decide - Pre-book Now !! - 27
(Little Rock, NLR)
☆ *°° L E T~ M E~S H O W~ Y O U~ W H Y~ I ' M~ T H E~B E S T ~I N~ T O W N°°* ☆ - 30
(In/OUTCALLS redford area)
❎❎❎⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓❎❎❎⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓❎❎❎ GRAND 🔴🔴🔴 SLAM ❎❎❎⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓ SUMMER🔴🔴🔴FEVER ❎❎❎⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓ HAPPY🔴🔴🔴HOUR!❎❎❎⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓❎ - 22
(Denver, Westminster, ❎❎❎⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓🔴🔴🔴ALL DAY !❎❎❎⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓🔴🔴🔴❎❎❎)
❤❤(GORGeOUs ) lunch time fun • ♥ IN TOWN ! ♥ ( AVAiLABLE IN CALL ) come have fun ♥)) ❤❤ - 27
(Denver, Cherry creek/ glandale)
Early Bird Gets The Worm 〽️ Porno Experienced Roxchelle ‼️💯 outcall specials call Roxy - 25
(San Marcos, San Marcus)
***Experience the Super Sweet Girl Next Door you've been missing out on***Well Reviewed *** - 37
(Denver, Northglenn/Thornton & Outcall)
ALL Natural BUSTY 32D +-:¦:-+ Gorgeous Brunette +-:¦:-+ ( Cassie ) (303) 831 1131 - 18
(Denver, Denver and Surrounding Areas)
$40 $horty! / SINcall AURORA DIA ... Mexi- goth cutie patooty 420 FRIENDLY - 31
(Denver, denver, dia, Aurora)
-- ----XX----> CuTe FrEaKy Blonde ((, ReViEwEd, & SkiLLed )) SPECIALS
(:::.. Mentor/Willoughby In/Out ..:::)
NEW* 36d Presidental Playmate is now in the BIG EASY _ Lets Meet - 23
(New Orleans, New Orleans / Metarie Your place or mine)
You Have To See This ***** The Hot Ice Cream Lady *****UPSCALE - 21
(Denver, DTC Denver Metro Area incall special)
◆█◆█★♡♡▄❤ (( HoT ))♥_= C_A_T_C_H = ( ME ) =_♥_= W_H_I_L_E = ( U) CAN125 Incall SPECIAL! - 26
(Columbus, Worthington)
** Mexican & Black Party Girl ** I Love A Nasty WHITE BOY* ... No Black Men - 24
(Cleveland, WEST 90th *DENISON AVE* in/outcall)
What you see is what you get...NO CATFISH here!! - 25
(Aurora, Centennial, City of Denver, Commerce City, Denver, Your place or mine)
*¨¨*·-:¦:-·*We Love What We Do & So Will You *¨¨*·-:¦:-·* Mom & Daughter* 2-4-1 Special - 27
{{{Last Day In Town}}} Who Wants to cum play with me tonight? Specials still going! - 32
(Denver Tech Center /I-25)
★¸.Exotic Gorgeous Latina.¸★¸. .¸★¸.Available Now ★★★ OUTCALL 🔥🔥 CALL ME .¸★¸. - 19
(Stockton, Stockton Modesto Tracy)
Mind 💨 Highly Addictive Brunette Bunny 👯Back In Town With New New New Pics. Xo - 21
(Stockton, Stockton InCall)
Very High Class Sexy Young Women If Your Not Looking For My Type Don't Waste Your Time - 22
(Denver, Downtown/Blackhawk/cherry creek/DTC)
LooK!! »»WoW ToTaL PaCKaGe »» !pETiT CaRaMeL! »» A MuSt See !! »» -iNsAnE mOuTh SkiLLs w/FaT aSs - 24
(ClEvElAnD AiRpOrT ArEa {incalls only})